October 26, 2020
Working day on Saturday
Thank you so much for taking your time. Four volunteers helped a deaf client for cleaning up at
her apartment for four solid hours. What a blessing! They sacrificed their time to help this deaf
client who had health issues. That massive clean-up effort cannot be done without their help.
These four volunteers cleaned out all kitchen cabinets and washed all dishes. Hence, all clean
dishes were placed inside the cabinets. All kitchen countertop and refrigerator were cleaned out.
Moreover, they cleaned out the dining room, living room, bedrooms and bathroom. It was a real
blessing that the deaf client was able to move around in her wheelchair. Before the clean – up,
the deaf client could not move about at all and she was also confined to her couch. Her papers
were all picked up, sorted and filed in the proper order. All clothes were folded and placed them
in boxes. She was thrilled to see her apartment so clean and she had the freedom to move around
in her wheelchair. Also, the other client was able to sleep on the lazy man chair without any
clutter around that chair. What a joy it was for the client to have these selfless volunteers to clean
up her whole apartment and then she was able to move about. She was smiling ear to ear!
The other volunteer has been teaching one deaf/blind and another deaf clients how to read and
write in the English language.