Friday, March 17, 2017

Letter from Meskel

Dear friends and sponsors,

First, I would like to thank you sincerely for the donations of kitchenware including a used grilled machine. I requested donations of cooking supplies for deaf clients who needed them, and you came through for us.

I emailed and texted donors and friends about what the deaf clients needed. You donated basic cooking supplies along with a grilled machine and pots. One deaf client accepted the supplies she needed. This client still desired one more thing. The cooking supplies not chosen by this client were donated to another client.

Last Monday, my son and I went to Wendy's and we ate together after our gym workout. A man sat in the corner of the restaurant eating alone. He watched us while I chatted with my son. My son and the man started to talk with each other. Then this man moved to sit next to our table. We felt a little awkward about him since he was a stranger to us.

This sweet and spiritual man asked us what our prayer requests were. We both were surprised by his question. My son shared his prayer request about his college study and mine about my service to the deaf community.

The man was suprised to hear about my service and said that he never had seen a deaf lady as a leader to a deaf organization. Then he started to pray with us. Finally, he put money into my hand. I said "Oh, no! No, thank you." The man pleaded with me saying, "Please accept my money for you. If you don't accept this, I will miss the blessing." ….Good point!.... So, I accepted it.

Then I realized that this money was for the deaf client mentioned above who needed one more thing to complete her kitchen, a small George Foreman Grill. So I bought it for that client. There was some money left over and it was placed into the HHD's treasure chest. It helps to raise our funds a little bit.

Additionally, we are still collecting winter coats for deaf clients. A man needs a winter coat size XL, and two winter coats for the ladies in size L.

We still need more volunteers for selling tickets at the Belk stores during March and April to raise funds for HHD. The donations we receive from this fundraiser keep HHD running and helping the deaf community.

David and Susan Holly are working hard in creating HHD's website, and Facebook. They have created a sign up box for subscription. It works! David and Susan are doing great! We encourage many people to sign up for the news and events. The subscribers will reap a rich blessing by participating and making HHD a success!

Thank you for all you have done in assisting us in helping those in the Deaf Community that need support. We could not successfully do all this work without the support of donors like you.

Best Regards,

Meskel Crowe, Director
Helping Hands for the Deaf