Monday, September 17, 2018

HHD update

 Thank you for volunteering to raise funds for HHD at the picnic. The picnic was fun and we had people all ages different ethnicity. It was a great time for everyone. The location was perfect and the weather was perfect and we met a lot of new people ready to volunteer for HHD.We even had some Deaf Girl Scouts there. (see more pictures from the picnic)

Also, HHD appreciated that you took your time to support, sell tickets and collect donations for HHD in August. It was for the "Back To School Charity Day."

Today is the first day of October! It means that we will sell tickets and raise funds for the charity, Helping Hands for the Deaf. Once again, HHD needs volunteers to make it a success! Can you help HHD by selling tickets? Please contact Susan Holly or Meskel Crowe. Inform us when and where you can sell tickets.

One again, thank you for making HHD a success! It has benefited many clients and our community!
Remember the story about the sticks? A single stick may break easily. However, many sticks bound together become stronger.

Your help would be much appreciated!

Best Regards,
Meskel Crowe
Director of HHD