Saturday, July 25, 2020

      “But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing”

(2 Thessalonians 3:13)

July 22, 2020

Dear everyone,

Would you help deaf clients for HHD? 

·         A deaf lady was in the hospital for about seven months. Then she was transferred to the rehabilitation care center. She could not go back home because her apartment is on the second floor. It is a real challenge for her to climb up the stairs to her apartment. She is in her wheelchair. HHD contacted her apartment manager to request that this deaf lady move downstairs. Then this manager requested for the proof of her handicaps from her doctor. Next, HHD contacted her doctor and her doctor understood. Then her doctor sent the letter to her apartment office. The manager got this letter confirming that she cannot climb stairs and approved that she can move to the apartment on the first floor. Finally, she will move to the apartment on the first floor this Friday. A deaf client had a big laugh with a shining smile! She is grateful and relieved. She and her son need help in moving to her new apartment. If you want to help them move, please let us know.

·         A deaf couple need your help. Her husband had a great job for more than 19 years, but something happened. Her husband had a stroke and it took him two months to recover from it. Hence, he lost his job. Anyway, he got his SSI, but his SSI income is very small. He has some health issues. So does his wife. HHD helped him and his wife to reduce their monthly mortgage payments. Their monthly paymants were cut almost in half! Their house really needs some repairs including the front door frame, the ceiling, and leaking water in their kitchen. Also, the branch that hangs over their deck needs to be cut off. They can’t afford to hire someone for their home repairs. If you have the talents to do that job, feel free to contact HHD.  You can be a volunteer and help them. HHD will give you the tax deducation.

·         One deaf client does not read and write and he really needs to find a health care center. We are looking for a place for him to live in. May God open the door for him.

·         HHD still accepts checks, online donations and gofundme so we may continue to serve our clients and community.

·         HHD has to cancel up to six fundraising events this year due to COVID 19. However, HHD still raises funds through donations. We thanked Susan and DeeAnn for preparing and hosting the ASL Digging Deeper classes. We regret that these classes had to be cancelled because of coronavirus pandemic.

·          If you have any questions, please contact or email HHD at hhandsusa@usa or 678 228 8967.

Cordially yours,
Meskel Crowe
Director of Helping Hands for the Deaf (HHD)