Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Update from the HHD Director

Dear Friends,
Thank you so much for volunteers, donations, encouragement, and using the facilities for events.
Your hard work made HHD a success in 2018! We were also invited to give presentations about

I got messages from the same client almost every day. Sometimes, I responded when I was at the
office. One day, I made an appointment for the meeting with that client and I advised that client
on how to keep busy. That was to find something to do in order to keep busy. That was a heart to
heart talk with that client. Looking out through the window, I saw the hiring sign on the building
that was being renovated. The hiring sign had a phone number on it. I copied the phone number
and gave it to that client. I asked that client to do homework by calling that phone number for an
interview. The manager answered and made an appointment for an interview. That client was
encouraged to figure out how to get an interpreter for the interview. I reminded the client that it
was important to understand the interviewer and not miss out anything during the interview
through the interpreter. I prayed with that person. I challenged the client to learn and handle the
arrangement for the interview. I empowered the client to do the work by herself.
The bible story about David and Goliath inspired me and I want to share it with you. When he
was young, David wanted to challenge Goliath because Goliath was defying against God. King
Saul tried to help David by giving him the armor, helmet and shield, but they were too big for
him. David didn’t give up. He still wanted to fight Goliath. He only needed a sling and picked up
five stones. He trusted in God to help him win the battle against Goliath! He showed an active
faith that gave a powerful testimony!

Although we helped a deaf client to fill out the Naturalization application, we realized that there
was a lot of paper to work on after the principles were changed. Finally, we sent them after they
were completed. Now, the application is being processed.

New clients applied to HHD for help in finding a place to live and in applying for Naturalization,

Some deaf clients still struggle in communicating with their doctors without an interpreter.
Hence, we always encourage them to request for an interpreter. Don’t be afraid to ask. That’s
their right to request for interpreters when they go to see the doctor. It is hard for some deaf
clients to read because of their usher’s syndrome. That’s why they become discouraged.

Please pray that the Lord will provide HHD a building as an emergency shelter. If you want to
donate to HHD, please send your check to HHD by mail or go to the HHD website and donate
there. Donation can be made online at

Have a wonderful blessing this year!

Meskel Crowe, Director